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The Magikcraft Magik Users Guide

Passing in parameters as arguments

In the previous step you created a spell that can take a parameter (ingredient).

Now, you will learn how to pass a parameter into a spell.

In Minecraft, type /cast hw1 There!.

What do you see?

The word you typed after hw1 is passed in as the parameter to your spell.

Parameters are separated by spaces, so you can’t pass a sentence in as a single parameter, only a word.

You can make your spell take more than one parameter, like this:

const magik =

function main(firstname, lastname) {
  magik.dixit('Hello ' + firstname + ' ' + lastname)

Try that spell. When you cast it, pass in two names, like this: /cast hw1 Jane Doe

Try it with your name instead of Jane Doe.

You can make a spell that reads all the parameters, like this:

const magik =

function main( {
  magik.dixit('Hello ' + name.join(' '))

Now you can give it as many names as you want!

Now move on to the next step.