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The Magikcraft Magik Users Guide

Manifesting Things Magikally

Now you will learn how to magically manifest items.

To do this, you will require some more magik.

Make a new spell, and give it a cool name like abracadabra. Put this in it:

const magik =

const inventory = require('inventory')
const items = require('items')

function main() {


The magical word require brings in more magic that you can use.

Now you have magic for items and for the Minecraft inventory. The next thing you want to do in your spell is to get your inventory. You do it like this:

const magik =

const inventory = require('inventory')
const items = require('items')

function main() {
  const myInventory = inventory(self)

self is a special magik term that means your Minecraft player in your spells.

Now that you have your inventory, you can add things to it, like this:

const magik =

const inventory = require('inventory')
const items = require('items')

function main() {
  const myInventory = inventory(self)
  myInventory.add( items.cookie(1) )
    .add( items.bakedPotato(1) )

Try that!

To get an idea of the kinds of things you can add to your inventory, see this list.

Not everything on there will work, but that is part of the fun of learning magik - and why it is so mysterious to those who have not studied and learned its ways…

Go on!