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The Magikcraft Magik Users Guide

Ingredients for Spells: Parameters

You can pass ingredients to your spells.

A spell is like a recipe, and you can write spells that take different ingredients whenever you cast them.

Magik users have their own secret language, and in that language ingredients for spells are called parameters. Spells are called programs.

To accept parameters in a spell, you need to write it in a special way, like this:

const magik =

function main() {
  magik.dixit('Hello World')

Write this spell and save it as hw1.

This spell has a function in it, called “main”. This is a special function in a Magikcraft spell. You can have many functions in a spell, but the one named main is the one that is called when you cast the spell in Minecraft.

To get the ingredients into the spell, we will add a parameter like this:

const magik =

function main(name) {
  magik.dixit('Hello World')

See how we put name in the brackets next to main?

That is how the ingredient will be passed in. Now we can use the ingredient in the spell, like this:

const magik =

function main(name) {
  magik.dixit('Hello ' + name)

Save the spell, then go to Minecraft and type: /cast hw1.

What do you see?

You should see something like: Hello undefined.

When you cast a spell in Minecraft that takes ingredients, you need to give it specific ingredients to use. When you pass the ingredients in as you cast the spell, they are called arguments.

Your spell can take parameters, and now you need to pass one in as an argument. To find out how to do that, go on to the next step.